
Mon June 3, 2019, 19:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus

Psychedelic music visualisation has its origins in the light shows of the 1960s and goes back to the tradition of early visual musicians such as Hans Richter, Oskar Fischinger and Harry Smith. Like contemporary video artists, they believed that cinematography should depict shapes and surfaces with their inherent atmospheric content. The use of simple graphic elements and the rhythmic relationship between image and music is continued in many videos with computer-generated forms. The psychedelic effect is created by the continuous repetition of motifs and patterns, whose shapes and colours form organically and sometimes generate optical illusions. A feast for the eyes and ears! (Brigitta Burger-Utzer)

MetroKinokulturhaus Johannesgasse 4 1010 Wien -- Tickets: oder 01-512 18 03

Psychedelia (Image)