Mark Gerstorfer

* 1979
born 26.6.1979 in Hallein/Austria
grew up in Burghausen/Bavaria
2003 - 2006
Academy of Fine Arts with Prof. Eva Schlegl and Prof. Matthias Hermann
Since 2006
University of applied Arts, Department for Film and Television, studying Directing with Prof. Peter Patzak and Camera with Prof. Wolfgang Thaler.
Films (Selection)
12 Explosionen (Camera), D: Johann Lurf
Kommt ein Sonnenstrahl in die Tiefkühlabteilung und weicht alles auf (Camera), D: Lisa Weber
RaumZeitHund (Camera), D: Nikolaus Eckhard
Spanien (2nd assitant of the director) Production Dorfilm, D: Anja Salomonowitz
Kreis Wiener Neustadt (Camera), D: Johann Lurf
Brown Boveri (Director)
Lebensretter Konstantin (Director)
Casting for:
Ulrich Seidl
Anja Salomonowitz