Fri Feb. 28, 2025, 21:00 h
Stadtkino Wien / Metro KinoKulturhaus
A small gas stove ignites and provides warmth. In Helin Çelik’s ANQA, a history of violence, biographies of women, and the depiction of a personal “safe zone” are closely interwoven. The “safe zone” are apartment spaces in which three women from the Middle East, who have experienced abuse and domestic violence …
Talking Screen
Norbert Pfaffenbichler
Mon March 10, 2025, 19:00 h
Künstlerhaus Factory
coming soon!
Living Collection
Miriam Bajtala - Becoming Outline | Wien-Premiere
Tue April 8, 2025, 20:00 h
Metro Kinokulturhaus - Kinosalon
Becoming Outline, 2024, 70 min.
The screening will be followed by a talk with the filmmaker.
At the beginning of Miriam Bajtala's Becoming Outline, we are told that in classical anthropology, field and and home are distinct spheres of knowledge. In the filmmaker’s exploratory confrontation with her own (family)history, howev…