Tomash Schoiswohl

* 1979
Tomash Schoiswohl is an artist living in Vienna. He studied history and art, stayed in Prague, Glasgow and Beijing. Since 20 years Tomash explores the infamous traffic junction Matzleinsdorfer Platz in Vienna and has developed a profound practice of public art - politically involved and close to historical matters.
He used to work at a children's museum and is teaching "practically shit" at different art universities in Austria. Currently employed as University-Assistent at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (Contextual Painting) and as Senior Artist at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (Site-Specific-Arts).
Tomash Schoiswohl shoots on 16mm-film, often outside and with the help of a (very) small team. He tries to process his archive of newspaper snippets, he is doing experimental documentary - often related to specific sites in the city.
Jumping Highrises, 16mm Film digitalised, colour, 16 min 13 sec, 2022
Schlammfilm, 16mm Film digitalised, colour, 12 min 04 sec, 2020
Wiener Linien Bau, 1-9, 16mm Film digitalised, colour, 1 h 40 min 09 sec, 2018
Kapitalismus ist für immer, 1-3, digital Film, 1 h 49 min 06 sec, 2014.