Bady Minck

© Joerg Burger, 2016
, Luxembourg
Born in Luxembourg, she works as an artist, filmmaker and producer in Luxembourg and Vienna. Her films have been invited to more than 500 film festivals, including the festivals of Cannes, Berlin and Sundance. They have received numerous awards and have been shown in more than 40 retrospectives on 4 continents. Her artist work has been presented at Biennale di Venezia, the Moscouw Biennale, Centre Pompidou Paris and Lincoln Center New York. She was a member of many juries, including Orizzonti jury at Venice Film Festival.
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Bibl. Minck Bady (Bibliography)
Claudia Preschl (Hrsg.), Frauen und Film und Video Österreich, Wien 1986. Peter Illetschko, "In Österreich sind wir vater- und mutterlos", in: Der Standard, 20.4.1989 Wien. Alexander Ivanceanu, "Moderne Menschen mit modernen Nerven", in: Die Presse, 30./31.5.1992. Alexander Ivanceanu, "Bady Minck und Stefan Stratil", in: Katalog der Avantgardefilmsammlung des Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris 1993. Jean-Michel Bonhours, "La camera experimente la ville", in: La ville, Katalog Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris 1993Unterhaltsames Programm mit Glanzpunkten, in: Luxemburger Woche, 2.3.96Karin Dreher, Als die Träume laufen lernten, Interview mit Bady Minck, in: Lauda Air Magazine Nov.1996Surreal und philosophisch, in: Luxembourger Wort, 10.7.97
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