Colors of a long night

Wed Oct. 12, 2011, 19:00 h

Colors of a long night (Judith Zdesar, AT 2011, 70 min.)

The flight into the darkness to Greenland begins with a farewell to the sun, which glows as a red ball in the cabin window. On arrival, the camera and microphone immediately have to fight against the icy wind. Only fragments of hooded figures are perceptible, no colors. In the black directly next to the light of the flashlight, nothingness begins. Inside the islands of warmth, however, yellow, red, skin tones - colors with a high color temperature. Here isolation seems to be dissolved in mutual trust. The dark and the cold are not just geographical, meteorological and physical phenomena, but deeply rooted atavistic
deeply rooted atavistic ones. Colors of a Long Night by Judith Zdesar is not about a documentary portrait of a place and the people who live there, but rather a portrayal of extreme boredom that can only be bridged with absurd interventions. In a self-experiment, fear, loneliness and being exposed are examined in a foreign context in the the form of a diary. (Birgit Flos)

Followed by a discussion with the filmmaker in attendance
