sixpackfilm-vimeo-channel 19:00 – 24:00 (originally MetroKinoKulturhaus)

Mon Nov. 9, 2020, 19:00 h
sixpackfilm-vimeo-channel 19:00 – 24:00 (ursprünglich MetroKinoKulturhaus)

We watch films by women* and they watch them: Yes, what then?
The "Views by Women*" programme brings together different ways of looking. Here, female* filmmakers attempt to present their personal, unbiased perspective on the world. Many of these views are not based on film conventions. New perspectives are explored. Beauties are exposed. The scenes of the films take place in intimate spaces and invite you to be there. The programme brings together and celebrates not the similar, but the different. The filmmakers* experiment with cinematic dramaturgies and present found objects that they have discovered on their journey through new narrative forms. What the works have in common is the attempt to tell a story from one's own perspective, relying on one's own body and its experiences. (vm, ml, ak)

Programme and introduction: Vitória Monteiro, Marie-Luise Lehner, Adele Knall
(Students of the Academy of Fine Arts, Constanze Ruhm class)

neuerlich aufgrund der Covid-19-Maßnahmen nur online:
direkt zum Programm 
(Freischaltung am 9.11.2020 von 19.00 – 24.00h)