The monthly program series "Home Stories" started in November 1998 in cooperation with the Filmcasino in Vienna and was continued from March 2003 as "Home Stories +" in the Topkino. There were - quote from the program folder - "short feature films, documentaries and the avant-garde. Brand new and salvaged treasures from overgrown terrain were shown. The completion of a new, successful festival runner gave rise to a showcase of works and encounters with international productions were sought."
Wed April 13, 2011, 19:00 h

Around 1870, Eadweard Muybridge proved with his serial photography that when a horse gallops, all four legs are in the air for a brief moment, thus laying the foundation for cinematography. A good 140 years later, Nikolaus Eckhard freed his four-legged friend from gravity altogether and allowed him to take off from the treadmill whi…

Wed March 16, 2011, 19:00 h

The formal leitmotif of this program is the documentary collage: the bringing together of different materials to create something entirely new or a new impression.
In All Restrictions End, Reza Haeri combines archive material from Iranian cinema, images of Persian painting from different eras, graphics from the time of the Islamic Revolution and co…

Comuna under construction
Wed Feb. 16, 2011, 19:00 h

Comuna under Construction (Comuna en construcción) (directing/concept/cut/production: Oliver Ressler/Dario Azzellini, AT/DE 2010, 94 min.)

Comuna under Construction demonstrates what the "socialism of the 21st century" propagated by Hugo Chávez could mean in practice. In the spirit of the new c…

Inspired by
Wed Jan. 19, 2011, 19:00 h

Inspiration, association and reference are the working principles that serve as proven creative sources for this program. Nevertheless, the output is shaped in very different ways, with the sound level playing a prominent role in almost all of the works.

From the strictly analog handling of the symphonic instrumentation of the Swedish composer La…

Behind the Iron Gate
Wed Dec. 15, 2010, 19:00 h
Top-Kino, Wien

Two documentary excerpts from everyday situations in topographically clearly defined locations, which are also snapshots of a Europe of social and cultural differentiation.

Romanes was created after a video workshop with young Roma and Sinti in a ghetto-like camp on the outskirts of Rome, in which the young people questioned themselves about the…

True Lies
Wed Nov. 24, 2010, 19:00 h

The sober question of what happens to people when a camera is pointed at them has been posed for some time, and not just in various TV formats. Two domestic, short documentary films also explore the question of staging mechanisms and patterns of representation. DRAUF is based on a sociological study that was conducted with young addicts, who also …

Apocalypse Now!
Wed Oct. 20, 2010, 19:00 h

Relationship constellations after the apocalypse: in The Golden Foretaste of Heaven, Richard Wilhelmer lets prototypical science fiction characters wander through a catastrophe scenario in search of salvation and great love. Real actors act in a fantastic world animated from over 1000 photos and play with the genre's own clichés.


Popular Rituals
Wed Sept. 22, 2010, 19:00 h

The customs presented in this program have lost their solemnity. lost. The recurring rituals presented in various European countries and European countries and various social contexts nevertheless have nevertheless have something formulaic about them.

Josef Dabernig chooses one of the countless play venues as an action space for hopes of making a…

That is very good
Wed June 16, 2010, 19:00 h
Top-Kino, Wien

The title of this program could also be "Foreign Homeland", because the individual films take a disturbing look at provincial, petty-bourgeois life in Austria.

It begins with Jakub Vrba's shrill contemplation of the forest, whose protagonist can't get his head around the empty phrases of delight. Ulrich Seidl's second short film - the reason for …

One Step, One Dance, One Song
Sat May 29, 2010, 22:00 h

Choreography in film is as old as film itself. It therefore goes without saying that the media of film and video are used and sought as interdisciplinary forms of expression for the art of dance. Conversely, filmmakers use motifs from dance or choreographed movement as central building blocks in their works. Of course, this programme only offers a…