OVER THE BORDER OF THE COSMOS AND BACK: An avant-garde film programme on the theme of the cosmic.

Fri Sept. 22, 2023, 18:30 h
Star Movie Peuerbach

The name Star Movie becomes the program at the communale oö! The Peuerbach cinema literally becomes a star cinema and shows films that explore and even transcend the boundaries of the cosmos. Anyone who would like to take a look at unknown cinematic spheres is cordially invited!
In the most radical case, the camera is simply pointed at the sun (which, as we know, you are not supposed to look at) in order to make the duration of its movement tangible. (Gerald Weber)

Introduction and moderation in the sense of a mediation of the film artworks are part of the program. We welcome Gerald Weber (deputy managing director of the avant-garde film distributor sixpackfilm) as a guest speaker. Anna Katharina Laggner (writer, ORF film critic) will host the program.

The program was curated by Siegfried A. Fruhauf (filmmaker, visual artist). The program consists of experimental short films from the avant-garde film distributor sixpackfilm. With films by Johann Lurf, Gudrun Krebitz, Billy Roisz, Tina Frank, Daniela Zahlner, Matthias Müller & Christoph Girardet and Siegfried A. Fruhauf.

Star Movie Peuerbach
Hauptstraße 7, 4722 Peuerbach

Ticket-Reservierung unter: www.starmovie.at
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